
Meditation Recordings


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Stargate: A Multidimensional Experience

An Afternoon of Guided Meditation and Sound Healing

Saturday, March 10, 1:00-5:00

The Hall at 530 "C" St. at 6th St. in Petaluma

$40 at the door; doors open at 12:30

Join us in this profound opportunity for transformation and healing. Immerse yourself in the energies invited in through a Stargate in several guided meditations led by Karin, a Stargate Facilitator. Allow yourself to be nourished and supported in your process by sound frequencies intuitively channeled by Timothy Surya Das, maestro extraordinaire and a sound practitioner. The Stargate is a sacred geometric device that focuses and amplifies high vibrational frequencies to help create a "quantum" field.

We will be exploring the themes of Connecting to our Superconsciousness and own Internal Guidance System, and will be tuning into our own multidimensionality in a high vibrational sound and energetic space. Experience the frequencies of Gaia, the dolphins and the whales, the Star Families, and much more.

The day will culminate in a Sound Bath of musical soundings with a variety of instruments, including keyboard, digeridoo and Native American flute.

Please bring a yoga mat, blanket and pillow for the sound bath. You are welcome to bring your own stargate, if you have one.

We look forward to seeing you!